Bomb ! Angel Skin

Do you want a sunny or tanned skin? Bomb ! has recently released a new line called Angel.
You will find this skin in 3 different tones. Smoky make up and glossy lip stick, hairbase , cute body definition, choose your best one and get ready for this summer!

Skin: Bomb ! - Angel Skin - Vol.1 -

Bomb ! - Angel Skin - Vol.2 -

Bomb ! - Angel Skin - Vol.3 -

Hair: TRUTH Anise - black & whites

TRUTH Leona - black & whites


Swimsuit: [LeeZu!] Boho Bikini /pink

[LeeZu!] Boho Bikini /yellow

[LeeZu!] Boho Bikini /blue

Pose: Manifeste / LAP


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